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Heal With Hijama: Cupping Therapy, Detox Your Mind, Body & Soul

Cupping Therapy cures the build up of acidic toxic waste in our bodies caused by life long exposure to the polluted air we breathe, the junk food we eat, household chemicals, smoking, stress, anxiety and the natural slowing down of our metablism with time.

If left untreated, this accumulation of waste in our bodies starts to block blood capilliaries which are essential for blood flow throughout the body - blood being the major supplier of oxygen, nutrients, vitamins and the like to our cells, tissues and organs.

The blockage also prevents the removal of carbon dioxide, metabolic waste products and toxic substances which are excreted via our urine, lungs and skin. As a result our cells, tissues, and organs cannot function at normal healthy levels and become progressively weak, inefficient, and easily overcome by germs. The resulting symptons include aches and pains, numbness, fever, coughs, stomach aches, diarrhoea and headaches. Left untreated further accumulation of toxic waste may lead to serious chronic diseases including hypertension, ulcers, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, stroke and cancer.

On a general, systemic level, cupping improves the circulation of blood and lymph. It also regulates and improves the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Locally, the most obvious benefit of cupping is a relief of pain and a relaxation and increased suppleness of stiff tendons and muscles.

Cupping increases the cleansing flow of lymph, while removing congested blood from the muscles. If cupping is applied to the joints, the blood flow to the joint is increased and there\'s an increased secretion of synoivial fluid into the joint cavity.

Cupping\'s effect on the digestive organs is to increase their digestive secretions and enhance their peristaltic movement. Cupping can awaken the appetite, strengthen the stomach and digestion, improve the bile flow and metabolism, relieve constipation and promote regularity of the bowels.

Cupping has a dramatic detoxifying effect on the skin and circulatory system. By increasing the flow of blood and plasma through the veins and arteries, cupping enhances the cleansing and removal of toxins. This detoxification may not be observable after just one treatment, but after about three to five treatments, there will be a noticeable improvement in the color of one\'s complexion.

Rest assured - I have done the full course in learning how to do cupping - Registered by The British Islamic Holistic Medical Council (BIHMC)

Telephone: 07739478515
Email: healwithhijama@gmail.com

Sheffield, South Yorkshire

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